VBScript can not be used to create a stand-alone program. However, VBScript must be inserted into an HTML file. When Internet Explorer opens the HTML file documents, VBScript can perform the same functions as JavaScript - these scripts will be executed. VBScript can also be used to create an HTML alikasi (file extension. Hta) that require Internet Explorer 5 or later to run. Hta Seara not directly using Internet Explorer, but using a program, namely MSHTA.EXE, which interpret and execute the code.
VBScript script that was included in the HTML file should be inserted between the tags
Here's an example (which will display a dialog box containing Hello World! When a button is clicked by the user):
Other Web explorers such as Firefox and Opera do not have direct support for VBScript. This means that for maximum compatibility with other browsers, the developers of any web site using JavaScript.
Besides the Web browser, VBScript can also be executed by Windows Scripting Host application (WSH). Generally, the file is executed by WSH VBScript This is a plain text file with the extension. Vbs and can be executed by using the command-line or with the Windows desktop. Windows has two program that can interpret the vbs file, cscript.exe and wscript.exe.
Source :http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Basic_Scripting_Edition

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