Aug 7, 2010

Assembly language

Assembly language is a low-level computer programming language. Assembly language is a notation for machine language which can be read by humans and vary depending on computer architecture used. Machine language is a pattern of bits (a series of binary numbers) that represents a particular machine operation code. Machine language is made more readable and written in a way to change the pattern of bits into a nickname, a nickname that is called mnemonics.

In contrast to the high level programming language, assembly language usually has a 1-1 relationship with machine language instructions. For example, every epithet (mnemonic) written in assembly language programs will be translated into exactly one operation code that can be understood directly by the computer. At a high level language, a command can be translated into several machine language operation code. The process of conversion of assembly language into machine language by an assembler, and the reverse process conducted by the Disassembler.

Each machine language computer architecture having different so that the language was different Assembly.

Here is an example of assembly language:

mov al, 0x61

which means to move (mov = move) hexadecimal value 61 (= 97 in decimal) to the processor register named "al". This is easier to remember than machine language:


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