RAM is a type of memory whose contents can be replaceable as long as computers have the nature of life and can remember there is data or programs for the electric current and can store and retrieve data very quickly.
RAM is as a reminder function, and also as follows:
1. Storing data derived from the devices come in until the data is sent to the ALU for processing.
2. ALU processing results of store data before it is sent to the output device.
3. Accommodate the program or instructions coming from the device into or from secondary reminder tool.
RAM Memory Types
* SDRAM (synchronous dynamic RAM) - RAM Type-made in 1996. SDRAM is the RAM in great legendary, and able to survive long in the development of computer systems. Consistent with the name of SDRAM has a synchronous dynamic term, namely the ability of RAM to match the processor's clock with the clock. If the RAM and processor in the same clock, then the computer will run a balanced system because the flow of data between them running smoothly. Technical characteristics have a 168-pin SDRAM, 3.3V & 100/133 MHz FSB. Currently SDRAM is not used anymore by the computer platform, the Pentium 4 was last used on the first generation version. Types of SDRAM: SDRAM 32, 64, 128, 256, 512MB PC100/133.
* DDR (Double Data Rate) - Type of RAM who is a further development of SDRAM technology. DDR is made in the year 2000. DDR was first created as the main competitor of RDRAM memory developed by Intel and Rambus who in the early generations of Pentium 4, and when this becomes mainstream of computer platforms. Technical characteristics of the DDR is a 184-pin, 2.5V & 266/333/400 MHz FSB. In theory DDR has twice the processing capability compared to SDRAM, because it can carry two bits in one clock his who-compared to only 1-bit SDRAM. DDR is still used on various platforms, such as the Pentium 4 & Celeron D and will soon be replaced with DDR2 technology. Types of DDR: DDR 128, 256, 512, 1.024MB PC2100/2700/3200.
* DDR2 (Double Data Rate Generation 2) - DDR2 is the next generation of DDR with improved features, such as the use of IC BGA (Ball Grid Array) that has a heat resistant & high density and a higher FSB. Technical characteristics of the 240-pin DDR2, 1.8V & 400/533/667/800 MHz FSB. DDR2 has a greater capacity of the DDR, where the latter can reach 2GB / modules. And now DDR2 will become the standard for all Intel platforms in 2006 and beyond. DDR2 Types: DDR 256, 512, 1.024MB PC3200/4300/5300/6400.
* RDRAM (Rambus Dynamic RAM) - Type of RAM who was first created in 1999. RDRAM is the RAM that use of new technology developed by a company called Rambus. RDRAM who has the ability to match the bandwidth needs of bandwidth on the Intel Pentium 4 processor. Dual Channel technology, first introduced by RDRAM. Unlike others who have the type of processing Serial RDRAM, SDRAM & DDR who compared the parallel processing. Technical characteristics of RDRAM is 184-pin, 2.5V & FSB 800, 1066 by aristektur 16-bit (2 bytes). Currently all types of RDRAM is not used anymore on the computer because the price overcharge and its performance can be equaled by DDR/DDR2 already. These types of RDRAM: RDRAM 64, 128, 256, 512MB PC800/1.066 MHz.
Troubleshooting Memory
Memory (RAM) is damaged, not necessarily the PC will not operate. Usually the PC is faulty RAM ga normal way. The signs most frequently damaged RAM:
* Computer lights up, but do not want to boot (whether or not there is sound from PC speakers), the solution try to use the program to detect damage to ram, or try to replace it with another ram.
* Blue Screen nginstall time operating system. Sometimes the operating system file read error during install.
* "Crash" or Blue Screen of time run the application program.
* Computer suddenly restart itself.
Things that can cause damaged RAM memory:
* Lack of power from power supply
* "Hours fly" already a lot of memory
* Disability products
* Human Error
Source : http://purwanto85.wordpress.com/2008/07/10/memori-ram/

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