Some steps you can do to make your hard drive had been able to work again. Indeed bissa not guarantee your disks can be healthy again. But early detection is done, hopefully this can prevent further losses.
Here are step by step to detect the hard drive is being fussy.
1. Check the cables connecting
The first step you should do is check the connection that connects the hard disk with the other components. It's important to know whether the damage was derived from improper cable connections, or damaged. For that purpose, which should do is check the voltage utnuk connector cable. Make sure the cable connectors are still working optimally. If you hesitate, you can switch the power cable connector with less others. Next check whether the data cable is mounted on the appropriate ports. Then check on the cable channels, if there are broken or not. If all the connectors, these connectors you think nothing is broken, meaning the damage is not in this section.
2. Detection in the BIOS
The next step taken is entered in the BIOS. Make sure you connect the hard drive is still detected in the BIOS. If not, you can force the detection system. How to adjust the settings to your hard drive so that the detection system. On some type of BIOS, to do this so that you can use fiturAutodeteck hard drive can be read by the system. Once read, you can exit from the BIOS and check whether the hard drive is working again as usual. Do not forget to set the jumper settings on the back of the hard drive to hard drive status on the system.
3. Using the SMART feature
This facility already exists in most current BIOS. In standard usage, this feature is usually turned off in order to get faster boot process. However, if you are a little doubt about the state of your hard disk, this feature can detect early whether or not hardiak disorder. All you have to do to run this feature is to go into BIOS and select options enabled. When this feature is enabled, the system will detect whether your hard drive is really broken.
4. Using Norton Disk Doctor
Use of this software can be done two ways, through DOS or also through the windows. When the system is not able to perform the detection of hard drive installed, you can use a bootable floppy or CD and choose the Norton Disk Doctor which works under DOS system. Make checks through the scanning process intact. If your hard disk can still be saved, Norton Disk Doctor will perform auto recovery to repair the damage.
5. Using the Zero Fill Drive
If damage to the hard drive can also apparently has not been repaired by Norton Disk Doctor, using the disk manager of the hard drive could be the solution. One is using zero fill drive feature, aka empty the hard drive altogether. This is done to overcome the damage that might be caused by a buildup of software. With this feature completely blank hard drive without rest.
After that, you can perform a full format to find out for sure, whether the damage occurred on the hard drive is hardware only, means the hard drive had to be replaced.
That the steps taken for detecting damage to a disk. This method is not always successful, depending on the Tertiary damage each disk. However, if the damage is not too heavy, undoubtedly the steps above can improve the hard drive
PCplus Magazine
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