The development of today's technology makes less and less relevant to Moore's Law to predict the speed mikroprossesor. Moore's Law, which states that the complexity of a microprocessor would double every 18 months, is now getting closer towards saturation. It is increasingly apparent after Intel officially launch Nehalem architecture processors with the code. This processor will start applying nanotechnology techniques in the manufacture of the processor, so it does not take time during the 18 months to see an increase in complexity but will be shorter
However, this time Moore's Law has been used as targets and goals to be achieved in the development of the semiconductor industry. Researchers in the processor industry trying to achieve Moore's Law in its product development. Semiconductor materials industries continue to refine the material required products processors, and computer and telecommunications applications growing rapidly as issuing processor that has a higher ability.
Indirectly, Moore's Law, feedback (feedback) to control the rate of increase in the number of transistors on IC chips. Moore's Law has been in control all the people to jointly develop the processor. Apart from these reasons, the use of transistors will continue to rise until the discovery of more effective technologies and efficient work mechanism that would shift the transistor as used today.
Although Gordon Moore is not the inventor of the transistor or IC, which flung ideas about the tendency of increasing use of the number of transistors on the IC has a large contribution to the advancement of information technology. Without Moore's services may not be able to enjoy our 3GHz speed computers like today.
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