Aug 19, 2010

WiMAX Frequency Spectrum

As a technology based on the frequency, the success of WiMAX depends on the availability and suitability of the frequency spectrum. Wireless systems recognize two types of frequency bands ie Licensed and unlicensed band Band. Licensed band requires a license or authority of the regulator, which obtained a licensed band operators are given exclusive rights to hold services in a particular area. While unlicensed band that does not require a license in their use allows anyone to use freely frequencies in all areas.

WiMAX Forum established two main frequency bands in certication profile for Fixed WiMAX (band 5.3 GHz and 5.8 GHz), while the fourth set for Mobile WiMAX frequency bands in the system-a release profile, ie the band 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 3.3 GHz and 3.5 GHz .

Generally, there are several alternative frequencies for WiMAX technology in accordance with the frequency map of the world. From the alternative frequency band 3.5 GHz to Fixed WiMAX frequencies majority in some countries, especially for countries in Europe, Canada, Middle East, Australia and parts of Asia. While the majority of the frequencies used for Mobile WiMAX at 2.5 GHz.

Issues Fixed WiMAX frequencies in the 3.3 GHz band that only appeared in Asian countries. This is related to the use of 3.5 GHz band for satellite communications, as well as in Indonesia. 3.5 GHz band used by satellites in Indonesia Telkom and PSN to provide IDR and broadcast TV services. Thus the use of a joint between the satellite and terrestrial wireless (BWA) in the 3.5 GHz frequency will cause the potential for interference, especially on the side of the satellite.

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