HTTP standards development has been implemented by the World Wide Web Consortium (World Wide Web Consortium/W3C) and also the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which culminate in the publication of several documents in Request for Comments (RFC), and the most widely referenced is RFC 2616 ( published in June 1999), which defines HTTP/1.1.
Support for HTTP/1.1 that has not been approved, which at the time RFC 2068, quickly adopted by many Web developers explorers early in the year 1996. Until March 1996, HTTP/1.1 is not yet ratified it are supported by Netscape 2.0, Netscape Navigator Gold 2.01, Mosaic 2.7, Lynx 2.5, and in Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0. Adoptions are done by end users Web browsers were also fast. In March 2006, one of the Web hosting company reported that more than 40% of web browsers used on the Internet is a Web browser that supports same HTTP/1.1.Perusahaan also reported that as of June 1996, 65% of all browsers who access the server their server is a Web browser that supports HTTP/1.1. HTTP/1.1 standard defined in RFC 2068 is officially released in January 1997. Improvement and renewal of documents released with the standard HTTP/1.1 RFC 2616 in June 1999.
HTTP is a protocol request / reply between the client and the server. An HTTP client (such as web browsers or robots, etc.), usually start by making a connection request to a particular port on a webhosting server (usually port 80). Clients that send HTTP requests is also known by the user agent. Servers that respond, which store resources such as HTML files and images, known also as the origin server. In between the user agent and origin server, there may be a liaison, as a proxy, gateway, and tunnel.
HTTP is not limited to use with TCP / IP, although it is one of the HTTP protocol TCP / IP applications over the Internet's most popular. Indeed HTTP protocol can be implemented on top of another on the Internet or over other networks. as mentioned in the "implemented on top of any other protocol on the Internet, or on other networks.", but the HTTP protocol requires a reliable transport layer. Other protocols that provide services and security as it can also be used .. "
Resources to be accessed by using HTTP are identified using Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), or more specifically through a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), use the URI scheme http:atau https:.
In accordance with the development of internet infrastructure in the year 1999 issued by the HTTP version 1.1 to accommodate the proxy, caching and persistent connections.
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