Jul 20, 2010


ALU, abbreviation of Arithmetic And Logic Unit (Indonesian: arithmetic and logic unit), is one of the inside of a microprocessor which functions to perform arithmetic and logic operations count. Examples of arithmetic operations are addition and subtraction operation, while an example of logic is the logic operations AND and OR. The main task of the ALU (Arithmetic And Logic Unit) is to perform all arithmetic calculations or mathematics that occurs in accordance with the instructions of the program. ALU perform other arithmetic operations. Such as subtraction, subtraction, and division is done by summing basis. So that the electronic circuitry in the ALU is used to perform arithmetic operations is called Adder. Arithmatika ALU with basic operations added, while others arithmatika operations, like subtraction, multiplication, and division is done by summing basis. so that the electronic circuitry in the ALU is used to perform this operation arithmatika called Adder. Wavelength of the task is to make the decision of the ALU logic operations in accordance with the instructions of the program. Logic operations (logical operation) includes comparisons of two logic elements by using logical operators, namely: a. equal (=) b. not equal (<>) c. less than (<) d. less than or equal to (<=) e. greater than (>) f. greater than or equal to (> =) (source: The book Introduction to Computers, The 154-155, by Prof.Dr.Jogiyanto HM, MBA, Akt.)

These functions are defined in the ALU Add (sum), Addu (summation is not marked), Sub (reduction), Subu (reduction is not marked), AND, OR, XOR, SLL (shift left logical), srl (shift right logical ), SRA (shift right arithmetic), and others.

translation of: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALU

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